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Cell Group

Cell group fellowship is a very important part of our church life. A cell group is a nucleus of mutually supportive members where sharing is personal and caring is on a day-to-day basis; members are committed to support one another in the walk of faith. Each church member is encouraged to belong to a cell group.

Cell groups have different characteristics based on the makeup of their members: some are mostly single people, some have infants or young children, others have teenagers, still others are mostly empty-nesters.

All cell groups have regular meetings and occasional outings. Some cell groups meet in members’ homes, and some meet at the church. Regular meetings are times of sharing, praising and studying the Bible for practical application.

We currently have six Chinese speaking cell groups and one English speaking cell group. If you are looking for a cell group, please contact one of the Elders or Deacons to find one that suits your interest, age of family members and locality.